Song Jumble Quiz

  • 30
  • 60

Activity Details

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  • Celebrate Achivement
  • Bring Joy
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  • One to One, Self Led or Group Activity

What you need

  1. A list of jumbled-up song titles or lines - download resource
  2. Flip chart (or put a large sheet of paper on the wall)


Hey listeners, it’s time to unjumble that song! This activity challenges you to figure out the title or lyrics to famous songs from a muddle of words. Does ‘sunshine cloudy I’ve got a day on’ sound familiar to you? Sure it does! So just put the words in the right order – and bingo, you’re ready to unjumble the next conundrum of a line.

It’s a great quiz for getting the brain working and kicking off a little impromptu singing! So don’t hold back, give those vocal chords a work out too and let your spirits be lifted.

This quiz can also be enjoyed as an individual activity

The Activity

  1. Gather the group around the flip chart
  2. Write up the first jumbled song title or line
  3. Either ask each person in turn, or the whole group to work out the song title or line
  4. Write the correct answer on the flip chart
  5. Sing the song if everyone is up for it!
  6. Move onto the next title or line, and keep going for as long as everyone is enjoying themselves

PDF Resource