What you need

  1. 15 cards with one of the pairing of autumn words on
  2. 15 cards with the second set of the pairing of autumn words on - Download resource


A quick and simple cognitive word association game with an autumnal theme.  Some time will need to be spent beforehand to prepare the words to link together for the group. This game is ideal for a group of up to 6 people to engage in, however can be done one on one too. This is not a competitive game, it is more for people to try and make the word associations.

The Activity

  1. Have one set of the pairs in a pile face down on the table.
  2. Lay the second set of cards out on the table.
  3. Ask the first person to choose a card from the first pile and then look at the words on the table to see if they can find the matching pair.
  4. If they are struggling to find the pair, ask the group to see if they can offer some help.
  5. Once they have matched a pair the next person takes their go.
  6. Once all the links are made, the group can share their memories of autumn days and what they like or dislike about the season.

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