Can You Guess What It Is?

What you need

  1. A list of words (or pictures) of simple objects - download resource
  2. A flipchart and coloured pens


You needn’t be a brilliant artist to enjoy this game, but it does require concentration and the ability to give sketching a go without taking yourself too seriously! This group activity is best played with 6 people who each take it in turns to describe how they think this object should be drawn – without using the name of the object – while somebody else sketches it so that everyone else can guess what it is.

As your sketcher draws, the group can shout out what they think is being drawn, making it a lot of fun, and the kind of activity you’ll want to play over and over.

The Activity

  1. Ask 1 person to be the “describer” and 1 person to be the “drawer”
  2. Give your “describer” a word and then encourage them to start describing how to draw it to the drawer, step by step, without explicitly saying what it is. For instance, if the item is an orange, their first suggestion might be “draw a circle”
  3. As your budding artist draws, the rest of the group can start to shout out guesses as to what the item is
  4. Once the correct answer has been shouted out, the person describing will stop
  5. Swap your describer and drawer, and then start on the next item, and so on…

PDF Resource