Chris Norris

About Chris

Chris Norris at the age of 58 was diagnosed with Fronto-temporal Dementia (FTD). Due to his diagnosis he was no longer able to work as a driving examiner as he struggled to remember his routes.

Chris shares his journey with dementia and how he has created coping strategies for the things that he is no longer able to do. “Dementia comes in CANS. You have to focus on what you CAN do”. Chris says.

His favourite quote is from Winston Churchill, “Never, Never, Never give up!”

Life does not stop with a diagnosis, you are still you! Live for today and live the best way that you can.

Chris Norris

See Chris's Tips:

Relish Wellbeing

Stay Active

Time Together

Stay Independent

Find Calm

Keep Learning

Bring Joy

Stay Independent

Working alongside someone will help you to keep your independence, try not to resist help.

See more tips for Staying Independent

Bring Joy

Living for today and getting all your affairs in order such as your power of attorney etc can really help you to focus on the present.

See more tips for Bringing Joy

Find Calm

Music is a great form of relaxation and try to keep your hobbies going after diagnosis.

See more tips for Fiding Calm

Time Together

Listening and thinking about your response will be essential for keeping your relationships strong as dementia progresses. The filter starts to disappear so thinking about your response is important.

See more tips for Time Together

Keep Learning

Keep taking part in new experiences, it is possible!

See more tips for Keeping Learning

Stay Active

It is important to notice what you are still able to do, you can do those things for as long as there are safety mechanisms in place.

See more tips for Staying active