Stay Active
As well as uplifting mood and promote cognitive function these products encourage movement, promote a sense of accomplishment, and help improve balance and coordination! Discover our range of activities that will help with staying active.

Radio & Music Player FM / DAB+ / MP3
£149.99inc VAT£124.99 with VAT relief (for people with dementia / disabilities)Best seller -
Dancing Shoes
63 Piece Puzzle
£17.99£12.99inc VAT£14.99£10.83 with VAT relief (for people with dementia / disabilities)27% off -
Limited Offers!
Improving wellbeing for people living with dementia. Plus enjoy 25% off selected products.
Musical Bingo
Group Game
£29.99£22.49inc VAT£24.99£18.74 with VAT relief (for people with dementia / disabilities)25% off