Aquapaints give a lovely balance of creative touch, sense of achievement and pure joy for people with dementia. Simply brush the ‘white’ sheets of card with water and watch as the beautiful pictures magically appear. Once finished, leave the sheets to dry to use them time and time again.
Reviews by Relish - Aquapaints
Radio & Music Player FM / DAB+ / MP3
£149.99inc VAT£124.99 with VAT relief (for people with dementia / disabilities)Best seller -
Bathing Birds
35 Piece Puzzle
£17.99inc VAT£14.99 with VAT relief (for people with dementia / disabilities) -
Magnificent Birds
£19.99inc VAT£16.66 with VAT relief (for people with dementia / disabilities) -
Day Connect™ - Clock
Reminder Clock
£99.99inc VAT£83.32 with VAT relief (for people with dementia / disabilities)