
About Kris

Kris became a full time caregiver to her grandmother Mary in March 2017. Since then she has documented their journey and is spreading the word about how to not only care for your loved ones but to ensure that caregivers prioritise their own mental health as well.

Kris shares with us how she cares for her grandmother, knowing that everyday is different but she can always guarantee that love will be at the heart of everything she does.

When Mary was first diagnosed I did not want her to do anything but that was detrimental for her, so now we do chores together and help each other where possible.


See Kris's Tips:

Relish Wellbeing

Stay Active

Celebrate Achievement

Stay Independent

Find Calm

Embrace Identity

Bring Joy

Stay Independent

Keeping them involved and allowing them time and space to help will allow them to maintain a level of independence.

See more tips for Staying Independent

Bring Joy

Spending time together really brings both of us joy.

See more tips for Bringing Joy

Find Calm

Keeping the environment calm is not always possibly but try to keep yourself calm so that they can be as calm as possible. It is also important to enter their reality if they are agitated do not try to change their mind, just listen to them, and take a step back.

See more tips for Fiding Calm

Celebrate Achievement

Provide them with encouragement and keep celebrating their achievements.

See more tips for Celebrating Achievements

Embrace Identity

Giving them options so that they can choose what they want to wear or what to eat can help them to feel more autonomous.

See more tips for Embracing Identity

Stay Active

Keeping them active can be difficult, going for a walk every afternoon is helpful as it gives them routine and having a physio medal to hand is useful if they do not want to go out.

See more tips for Staying active