Tidy the Cloakroom

  • 10
  • 30

Activity Details


  • Stay Active
  • Find Calm
  • Stay Independent


  • One to One or Self Led

What you need

  1. A coat rack
  2. Coats, cardigans, gloves, wallets, purses, etc


Know anyone with busy hands who would enjoy discovering what’s inside lots of pockets and purses? Or maybe someone who loves getting things shipshape or getting all dressed up? 
Simply load up a coat rack with coats and cardigans, filling the pockets with purses, gloves, and scarves, and invite people to have a rummage. They can explore them, sort them, or even try them all on!
This activity is suited to a care home, but can be created at home, so long as they don’t mind their coats being rummaged through.

The Activity

  1. Put the coat rack in a safe area of the home with a chair close by
  2. Hang some coats on the rack and drape some over the chair
  3. Allow anyone who fancies a rummage to get busy in the space 
  4. There’s no beginning or end to the game, so just do it for as long as it’s enjoyable 
  5. If a person takes a liking to something and wants to take it with them, it’s fine. You can just pop it back when they’re finished