Famous & Inspirational Women Quiz

What you need

  1. Famous & Inspirational Women Quiz and List - download resource
  2. Pieces of card (write names of the inspirational women from the list onto each piece)  


Let’s raise a glass to all the amazing women in the world! From the formidable, like Susan B Anthony, who spent most of her life advocating equal rights for women. To the fishnet-tight-wearing creatives, like Madonna, who refused to follow social norms and became the most successful female musician in modern history. 

There are so many awe-inspiring women to celebrate on International Women’s Day on the 8th March. So, let’s test our knowledge and find out all about them in this friendly quiz. 

Don’t worry, we’ve got a quiz for magnificent men in November! 

The Activity

  1. Dedicate some time to the ladies (although men are always welcome to join in too)
  2. Introduce the session by saying you’ll be having a quiz about some of the inspirational women in the world – past and present
  3. Perhaps encourage the group to reflect upon any women in their lives who have inspired them 
  4. Start the quiz 
  5. Reassure everyone that it doesn’t matter if they get the answers wrong – it’s not competitive 
  6. Maybe stop every now and again to talk about some of the women, or pick a flash card and talk about the women on it – their achievements and what they mean to them 
  7. Let the group guide you on who and what they would like to discuss  
  8. Keep going until the session comes to a natural end

PDF Resource