Poetry Corner

What you need

  1. A selection of popular poems - Download resource
  2. A few lesser-known poems
  3. Sensory props that relate to the poems (these can be items to look at, touch or listen to)


Poetry Month runs for the whole of April and Poetry and the Creative Mind Day falls on the 19th. So why not use this time to celebrate the beauty of poetry?

It’s a great opportunity for everyone to read aloud and listen to famous and lesser-known poets from the past and present, to share thoughts, jog memories and stir emotions.

If it’s not April, it doesn’t matter – you can enjoy the wonderful world of poetry, any day of the year.

Top tip

Try a popular poem first, such as “I wandered lonely as a Cloud” by William Wordsworth

For those at a sensory level, they may enjoy sitting and listening to the poetry readings

The Activity

  1. Ask if anyone would like to read a poem to the rest of the group. Do encourage this, as it can be very empowering for people living with dementia
  2. Make sure you choose poems that are easy to read and not too long, and pick an appropriate one for each person’s ability
  3. Bring the poems to life with sensory props. For example, if the poem is about a beach, pass around pebbles and a small box of sand
  4. Once the poem has been read aloud, you could encourage a discussion about what people liked or disliked, and how it made them feel
  5. Ask them to describe the props, how they feel and what emotions they evoke
  6. You might now like to create your own communal poem, drawing inspiration from the ones you’ve read or the props

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