New Conversations Day

What you need

  1. Conversation-starter cards (write questions on pieces of card to spark conversations) Download Resource
  2. Newspapers


At times, talking to others can lift your spirits, energise your mind, alleviate stress, help us cope, and do a world of good. That’s why someone, somewhere created a day on 12th July to celebrate talking – New Conversations Day. It’s the day to ask interesting questions, have genuine conversations and discover new things about one another.

However, if you need to talk to someone, don't wait for a special day. This activity can be done on any day of the year. Simply get together with a friend or family member or gather a small group together around some refreshments to create a relaxing environment where great conversation can flourish.

Top tip

You can make the conversations more relevant to what’s going on in the world today, and create cards based on articles from newspapers.

The Activity

  1. Find a comfortable space: Choose a quiet room or, if the weather is nice, go outside.
  2. Create a safe environment: Talk to the person or group first to make sure they feel comfortable and relaxed. Assure them that what they share will be listened to without judgment.
  3. Have the cards ready for use.
  4. Take a card and read it aloud.
  5. Let the person express their thoughts and feelings freely.
  6. Allow the conversation to flow naturally.
  7. If talking triggers thoughts or memories about something else, that's okay!
  8. Encourage participation if in a small group, encourage everyone to share their thoughts.
  9. If the person or group wants to discuss something else, move on to another card.
  10. Let the person or group share as much as they want. And, if needed, continue the conversation at another time.

PDF Resource