Let's Get Quizzical - Sport Quiz

  • 30
  • 60

Activity Details


  • Celebrate Achivement
  • Keep Learning


  • One to One, Self Led or Group Activity

What you need

  1. Sporting quiz questions (you can find lots online) or Download resource


Quizzes are great at encouraging people to use their cognitive skills in a fun way. And hosting a sports quiz during a major event, say Wimbledon, also helps connect people to events they may have memories of 

We recommend organising teams of about eight people at the same level. And if you decide to make it competitive, make sure things still feel fun and inclusive. That way, people won’t mind getting answers wrong.

The mantra here is ‘you’re never too old to learn something new!’

Top tip

Be sure to congratulate anyone who gets a correct answer – and anyone who appears to know the answer but can’t find the words to say it. This activity is all about encouraging thought.

The Activity

  1. Gather the group together and either read questions out for the whole group to answer, or ask each person in turn
  2. If someone struggles to answer, ask the group for help or give extra clues
  3. If you’re playing competitively, keep scores and award the winner a small prize

PDF Resource