A Spot of Tea for You and Me

  • 30
  • 60

Activity Details


  • Time Together
  • Find Calm
  • Bring Joy


  • Group Activity

What you need

  1. Tea and coffee, plus cakes and biscuits
  2. A small table that’s decoratively laid with cups and saucers or mugs (depending what your group prefers)
  3. A few quick activities for people to enjoy, such as reading the newspaper, writing poetry, playing a quiz, or having a discussion using reminiscence cards


Not everybody loves socialising in large groups. To those with a quieter disposition, or those who lack in confidence it can feel pretty overwhelming. That’s why this idea of getting just 3 or 4 people together for a special tea party, can work wonders. It’s easy to organise but by making that little bit of extra effort, you can make everyone feel valued and comfortable – and who doesn’t love a spot of tea and a delicious slab of cake?

The Activity

  1. Invite your small group to join together in a quiet and private space
  2. Welcome people as they arrive, seating them at the table and encouraging them to introduce themselves
  3. Make everyone feel special, by taking orders for teas and coffees café-style
  4. After you’ve served the refreshments, sit with the group and encourage conversation
  5. If people don’t feel able to chat or would prefer to sit quietly, that’s ok, just gently check in with them every now and then, so they don’t feel excluded
  6. ·Depending on the mood and abilities of your group, introduce a small activity like reading through the newspaper and discussing daily topics, reading some poetry that fits with the season, hosting a non-competitive quiz, or passing around some pictures that people can use to spark memories
  7. Once everyone’s finished their drinks and had a lovely time, don’t forget to arrange a date to do it all over again!