Reminisce with Me

  • 10
  • 30
  • 60

Activity Details


  • Bring Joy
  • Time Together


  • One to One

What you need

A variety of things relating to their interest:

  1. Films or any televised event
  2. Print outs of articles
  3. Photographs
  4. Any other memorabilia


As a person progresses through their dementia journey, it’s still important to help them connect with things that they love

This activity is all about finding out what will bring someone joy and talking about it with them. It might be a film star like Marilyn Monroe, a sport like cricket, an art genre like abstract – or something else. We’re all different! So take the time to find out what interests someone using a little help from friends or family 

Armed with this knowledge, you can then tailor reminisce sessions using photos, articles, TV clips and other memorabilia about their interest

These sessions can then be regular, whether that’s every few days or once a week

Top tip

Got any pictures? Pop them on a wall so they can be seen easily or close by so they can be picked up and looked at

The Activity

  1. Plan to visit at a regular time each week for the reminiscence sessions and plan what will happen in each
  2. Visit the person in their room or where they are seated – somewhere quiet without any distractions
  3. Greet them by holding their hand or lay your hand gently on their hand or forearm
  4. Sit at their eye level and ask them how they are. If they can’t respond verbally, look for any visual clues, such as a change in breathing, movement of their head, hands or eyes and respond by then letting them know how you are or talk about something that is going on that day
  5. Hold eye contact and say you’re going to spend some time with them talking about the thing the love
  6. The first visit can be just talking about their interest, maybe reading a few facts and showing the odd photo
  7. The second visit could be simply sitting and watching a film or event on TV
  8. The third could be looking at more photos, reading articles and showing memorabilia (if you have any)
  9. The fourth could be watching something on the TV again
  10. Create more sessions about the same interest but change the format slightly
  11. During your visits, regularly lay your hand on their hand or arm to give reassurance, and be aware of any verbal and nonverbal responses
  12. Take your cues from the person and, if they seemed relaxed, continue with what you are doing
  13. Once this visit has ended, let them know you’ll be coming again to talk about their passion and where they are in the day (e.g. “it’s time for your tea break soon” or “lunch will be ready in a minute”