Mosaic Making

  • 60

Activity Details


  • Bring Joy
  • Time Together


  • Group Activity

What you need

  1. A very large piece of thick paper (about 80cm x 80cm)
  2. Lots of coloured paper, cut or torn up into roughly 3cm x 3cm pieces
  3. Glue
  4. Glue spreaders


Let’s get arty! This group activity encourages people to work together as a team to create a beautiful and brightly coloured mosaic. It inspires people to help one another and encourages interaction, as everyone has to pick the colours together and decide which bits of paper go where.

The Activity

  1. Draw the simple outline of something on the thick paper. It can be anything so long as it can be divided into sections. A flower works well, as there are lots of petals. Fish, birds, shells, butterflies and simple patterns are also good
  2. Encourage everyone to decorate the picture with the pieces of coloured paper, gluing and layering one colour per section
  3. Depending on the ability and size of the group, a section can either be decorated by one person or a team
  4. If people can’t reach certain parts of the picture, it might be helpful to cut out the sections for people to work on
  5. Complete all the sections
  6. Let the mosaic dry
  7. Ask the group to pick a communal area to display their masterpiece, so they all can enjoy it.