Food for Thought

  • 30
  • 60

Activity Details


  • Bring Joy
  • Embrace Identity
  • Time Together


  • One to One or Group Activity

What you need

  1. 20 postcard-size prompt cards (write or glue pictures of a variety of different dishes). 
  2. Collection of cookery utensils, such as a hand whisk, wooden spoons, brown mixing bowl, cupcake baking tin, funnel, lemon juicer, flour shaker, jelly mould, measuring spoons, measuring jug or a vegetable presser (if possible, use older designs rather than modern)


Most of us have a favourite dish that takes us back to childhood. One bite of warm apple pie might transport us to happy Sunday afternoons baking with our mum. Food memories are such powerful things, as they involve all five senses – taste, sight, touch, smell and sound.

Food for Thought encourages people living with dementia to reminisce about their past through tasty dishes. In this activity, you simply use prompt cards and kitchen utensils to stir emotions and get people talking about their lives.

Pigs in blankets might not just make them remember how deliciously juicy they are; it might also stir wonderful memories of family Christmases or the one time Aunty Eileen burnt them all!

The Activity

  1. Before the activity, prepare the postcards by writing the words or gluing pictures of the foods you are going to discuss
  2. Place 5 kitchen utensils on the table
  3. Lay the postcards on the table face down
  4. Encourage everyone to take turns to choose a card and share a memory of that food with the group
  5. Encourage conversations by asking questions such as, “When did you last eat this food?” Or “Have you ever cooked it?”
  6. Ask the group to look at the utensils and choose the one they would use to make that dish
  7. Encourage people to handle the utensils. Touching and feeling the various shapes may help trigger further memories
  8. Allow each person in the group the time and space to share their memories.
  9. Once each person in the group has chosen one card each, go around the group again to choose another card
  10. Carry on until all the cards have been used or when the group wish the activity to finish