Engage with the Textured Wall

  • 10
  • 30
  • 60

Activity Details


  • Find Calm
  • Stay Active
  • Bring Joy


  • One to One or Self Led

What you need

  1. A textured wall in an easy-to-access communal space


Some of us just like to be busy on our feet. So for those people with dementia who prefer to walk around rather than sit, an interactive wall can be a great addition to any home. Not only does it create something dazzling for the eyes, with its bright colours and randomness, it also feels intriguing and relaxing to any hand brushing over it.

Want to make your own? Try our “Make a Textured Wall” activity.

The Activity

  1. Invite people to explore the wall if they’re already walking around
  2. Show them how to interact with it by running your hand over the textured, coloured squares
  3. If they seem unsure, encouragingly guide their hand over the wall
  4. Ask them how the different textures feel
  5. Allow the person to spend time on their own engaging with the textures and enjoying the different sensations