Keeping Your Relationships

Strong relationships allow us to feel connected, the sense of being cared for and feeling important can give you purpose and beautiful moments with loved ones. However, after diagnosis relationships can be complex and can change dynamics.

“I invest time, energy and love into my relationships along with respect which is always earned. This advice can be for anyone not just people living with dementia.”

Keith Oliver

“A lack of understanding can hurt relationships, it is important to help them to understand how to talk to you and what might change. We all just want to be treated the same fundamentally because we are still the same."”

Dr Jennifer Bute

“The more my dementia progresses the layer that stops from me saying something inappropriate, so now I have to take a moment to think about what I am going to say but if something does slip people know it is not me it is my dementia.”

Chris Norris

“It is hard to understand why they cannot do the things that they used to but it is for us to understand them now. It is hard and it is a bereavement.”

Karen Bonser

“The relationship I have with my daughters is wonderful, they will check to see if I have been active on my social media, or my lights are on to know that I am doing well. They that I can be on my own but if I need them, they would be here in a second.”

Lorraine Brown

Tips on Keeping Your Relationships

  • When socialising you may find small groups easier to have a conversation with. Too many people and too much noise could be overwhelming.

  • Create a support network. Find a few key people and look for any groups near you that you can join.

  • Some friends may struggle at first with your diagnosis but try to talk openly to them about what is happening and give your friends time to adapt to what you are experiencing.

  • Spending any time with friends and family is good for your mental health. Do this as often as you can and want to. Whether this is a coffee or sitting at home doing a puzzle together or playing a board game.

  • If you are worried about what to talk about with a friend because you perhaps have not got much news, find easy topics to speak about such as television programs or speak about old times.

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